Delaware Business Incorporators, Inc.

"Service By Professionals"
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(302) 996.5819 or 800.423.2993 
3422 Old Capitol Trail
Wilmington, DE 19808
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A. Lokshin
Montreal, AB

Company name:

01/16/2014 7:10 AM

My name is Alexander Lokshin and I am a Canadian citizen that was looking to open a LLC and bank account in Delaware. In September, I chose to work with Delaware Business Incorporators (DBI) because, as specified on their website (here) and in the invoice I paid, they were supposed to open a US bank account for me without me having to travel to the US. After opening the LLC named NAD&A LLC, for weeks they were telling me that they will open the bank account and on December 9 2013 finally sent me an email telling me that my account was open (with account number, wire information etc.). Upon receiving this information, I contacted Ms. Melissa Wallace from DBI on the 9th of December 2013 to confirm the opening of the account and she told that yes the account will be open and functional on the next business day guaranteed and that we should have no problems starting conducting business. Later that day I called the bank, the bank told me that the account was never opened and that it was impossible to open it without me personally going to the US (contrary to what DBI has promised me, what is written on their site, specified in our agreement and what I have paid for). The bank manager also told me that she hadn't spoken with Ms. Wallace from DBI in a while and that she never gave any confirmation that the account was open. I feel that I was lied to by DBI. When I called DBI and told them that the bank told me that the account can’t be open, they told me they will try another bank and that I should expect to hear from a new bank soon, and this was the end of our communication. No more responding to my calls, messages, and emails. I never heard from any other bank or DBI again. Sometime later, I learned that it against the law in the US to open a bank account without me travelling there and many banks that I called myself told me it is impossible, so I feel that they lied to me from the beginning. Following my frustrating experience with DBI, I requested a refund and filed a complaint with the Delaware BBB.

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